Transformation starts with...

Being known and knowing yourself.

We can find strength together

Do you want to break free from the past?



Seeking to be free from negative, repeating thoughts of oneself, low self-worth, unmanageable emotions, depression, anxiety and numbness.


Life Transitions

Finding a new rhythm and coping skills to face significant life transitions such as parenting, career changes, high stress environments, illness and losses.


Relational Trauma

Accepting and understanding the impact of childhood trauma, family conflicts, abuse, neglect and toxic relational cycles leading to addictions and C-PTSD.


Spiritual Exploration

Exploring the meaning of life, spiritual & faith-based distresses, grief of facing pain, death, loss suffering and loneliness in the society and culture we live in.

How I can support you well with therapy?

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One-on-One Counselling Psychotherapy

Focused, in-depth counselling psychotherapy sessions to explore, grow and hope together.

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Psychotherapy Support Groups

Being a part of a safe, supportive and curious group in building strong connections with yourself and others.

"I'm here to support and hold you as you grow!"

I am committed to join you as you navigate through life like a co-pilot to possibly point out things along the way that you may have never noticed or perhaps too scared to notice in your life.

This is so that you can know yourself, your surroundings, your needs better as you take courage to move forward. We can discover together and build a plan forward, one step at a time.

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The first step to wisdom is to know yourself

Famous Philosopher Socrates
too comfy chair for therapy

Book your free discovery session!

I am glad you are here to be curious and hopeful in your personal mental health journey.