Know yourself well to be a healthier and stronger achiever. friend. partner. provider. you.

Offering Experiential Counselling Psychotherapy for Individuals living in Ontario, Alberta or British Columbia.

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Know Me Well Counselling Psychotherapy Services

Experience a renewed “knowing” of your values, strengths, beliefs, thoughts, emotions, sensations and faith traditions to bring about transformative healing from old wounds and wiser decision-making in your life, work and relationships.


Improve Self Worth

Stop getting stuck in cycles of self-doubt, anxiety, depression to find new life meaning

Feeling calm and strong

Heal Past Wounds

Avoid being frozen and exhausted from triggering old traumas 

2 women working together

Thrive Under Pressure

Manage emotions and imbalanced lifestyle in life transitions and work stresses

Couples hugging

Reset Strained Relationships

Break vicious patterns of mistrust, guilt and shame in family and romantic relationships to find renewed connections

Talking parent and child

Foster a Emotionally Healthy Family

Stop unhealthy inter-generational patterns and be more emotionally connected to your aging parents, partner and child(ren)

Know Me Well believes humanity has the capacity to transform and harness their strengths to flourish, even when hope seems faint.

Anthea Lai

Know Your Therapist

Hello, I’m Anthea, Registered Psychotherapist.

I believe that everyone needs to feel seen, heard and understood well by another in order for personal transformation to begin. We have the inner capacity to self-right, grow and flourish even when facing unbelievable life challenges.

Trauma wounds and stressful situations can impact us in multiple ways like addictive behaviors, ruminating negative thoughts, unmanageable anxieties or emotions, or unhealthy relationships you never intended to have.My strength is the capacity to tackle the complexities of multiple issues and see the big picture.

This is facilitated when we come to know ourselves better and receive empowerment, compassion, acceptance and nutrients into our souls from oneself and those around.

I am committed to knowing you well so that you can explore your innermost feelings and thoughts within a safe and compassionate space. We are not meant to deal with our difficult pasts or current struggles alone.

Anthea Lai


Individual counselling psychotherapy services is currently offered.

When we work together, we can expect collaborative outcomes such as:

The outcome is unique for everyone.

Know Me Well is designed to help you gain personal transformation through knowing your genuine self well.